Appcelerator - ios

Appcelerator ios SDK

Before starting your application instrumentation, ensure that you have created an app and have an appKey


Open tiapp.xml and under modules add the following line

<module version="1.0.0" platform="iphone">ti.pyze<module> 


  1. Open tiapp.xml and add the pyze app key as follows
           <string><YOUR APP KEY><string>

Import pyze module and get a reference for the module

var pyze = require('ti.pyze');

Custom Events

Custom events allow you to easily track unique user actions within your app.


var pyze = require('ti.pyze');

This allows you to track when a user executed an action, for a simple count of how often that event is occurring.

Events with Attribtues

Attributes are any key-value pair that you can attach to an event. You can have up to 99 attributes with any event. It is highly recommended to follow our Best Practices and heavily rely on attributes to make your instrumentation as minimal and useful as possible. In a typical application, you should have many more attributes than events.

var pyze = require('ti.pyze');
pyze.postCustomEventWithAttributes("customEventName", {"attrrKey1":"attrvalue1", "attrrKey2":"attrvalue2"}

Timed Events

Timing how long a user takes to complete an action is a common usecase for Pyze. The SDk has built-in handling for this, by allowing you to start a timer, and then send a custom event at the completion of that action.

var pyze = require('ti.pyze');
var timerRef = pyze.timerReference
pyze.postCustomEventWithAttributes("customEventName", timerRef, {"attrrKey1":"attrvalue1", "attrrKey2":"attrvalue2"})

User Privacy

Pyze provides APIs to allow end-users to Opt out of Data Collection and also instruct the Pyze system to forget a user’s data.


Allows end-users to opt out from data collection. Opt-out can be toggled true or false.


To resume user data collection set value to false


Allows end-users to opt out from data collection and delete the user in the Pyze system. We recommend you confirm this action as once a user is deleted, this cannot be undone.


Push Notifications

IOS Push Notifications

Apple provides the Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) to allow app publishers to reach out to their users via push notifications.

1. Generate P12 Certificate

  • Go to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles page of your apple developer account.
  • Select Identifiers and go to YOUR_APP_IDENTIFIER.
  • Under Capabilities go to Push Notifications and select Configure
  • Now under Development/Production SSL Certificate select Create Certificate
  • Upload the Certificate Signing Request as mentioned here
  • Download the certificate generated and add to the Keychain Access
  • Now select the certificate just imported and choose Export.
  • Enter the password and save the .p12 to the desired location.

2. Configure Pyze as your provider

In order to allow Pyze to send push notifications on your behalf to users of your app, please provide the iOS push certificate to Pyze.

  • Login to
  • Click Settings from the Navigation Pane
  • Select the app you want to provide keys for from the drop down list

  • Select Push Notifications on the left menu
  • Upload a Push notifications certificate in .p12 format, provide p12 password (the password you generated while creating the certificate), and specify the provisioning mode: Development or Production depending on the type of certificate you are using.

  • Select daily and weekly quota limits
  • Click Save

3. Enabling Push Notifications

Open tiapp.xml file and add following lines


Enable your app for Push Notifications

Generate a build for iOS before proceeding.

Enable Remote Notifications

See appcelerator guide for push notification here

Ti.App.iOS.addEventListener('usernotificationsettings', function registerForPush() {
    Ti.App.iOS.removeEventListener('usernotificationsettings', registerForPush);
        success: deviceTokenSuccess,
        error: deviceTokenError,
        callback: receivePush

Register notification types to use

    types: [

Let Pyze know the APNS device token

Add following code

function deviceTokenSuccess(e) {
    deviceToken = e.deviceToken;
	var pyze = require('ti.pyze');

Let Pyze process Remote Notifications

Add following code

function receivePush(e) {'receivePush `'+JSON.stringify(e)+'`:');
	// alert('Received push: ' + JSON.stringify(e));

Interactive Notifications

See appcelerator interactive notifications guide here

Pyze provides a set of predefined push notification categories for showing interactive notifications. Below is the list of categories and respective actions:

Yes or No (opens the app)

Category Id : pyze_bool_foreground
1.	Title:  Yes
    Action Id: yes
    Foreground: true
    Authentication Required: true

2.	Title:  No
    Action Id: no
    Foreground: false
    Authentication Required: true

Yes or No (dismiss notification)

Category Id : pyze_bool_background
1.	Title:  Yes
     Action Id: yes
     Foreground: true
     Authentication Required: true
2.	Title:  No
    Action Id: no
    Foreground: false
    Authentication Required: true

Accept or Decline (opens the app)

Category Id : pyze_accept_action_foreground
1.	Title:  Accept
    Action Id: accept
    Foreground: true
    Authentication Required: true

2.	Title:  Decline
    Action Id: decline
    Foreground: false
    Authentication Required: true

Accept or Decline (dismiss notification)

Category Id : pyze_accept_action_background
1.	Title:  Accept
    Action Id: accept
    Foreground: false
    Authentication Required: true

2.	Title:  Decline
    Action Id: decline
    Foreground: false
    Authentication Required: true

Shop Now

Category Id : pyze_shop_now
1.	Title:  Shop Now
    Action Id: shop_now
    Foreground: true
    Authentication Required: true

Buy Now

Category Id : pyze_buy_now
1.	Title:  Buy Now
    Action Id: buy_now
    Foreground: true
    Authentication Required: true


Category Id : pyze_buy_now
1.	Title:  Follow
    Action Id: follow
    Foreground: false
    Authentication Required: true


Category Id : pyze_opt_in
1.	Title:  Opt-In
    Action Id: opt_in
    Foreground: false
    Authentication Required: true


Category Id : pyze_unfollow
1.	Title:  Unfollow
    Action Id: unfollow
    Foreground: false
    Authentication Required: true


Category Id : pyze_opt_out
1.	Title:  Opt-out
    Action Id: opt_out
    Foreground: false
    Authentication Required: true

Remind Me Later

Category Id : pyze_remind_me_later
1.	Title:  Remind Me Later
    Action Id: opt_out
    Foreground: false
    Authentication Required: true


Category Id : pyze_download
1.	Title:  Download
    Action Id: download
    Foreground: true
    Authentication Required: true


Category Id : pyze_share
1.	Title:  Share
    Action Id: share
    Foreground: true
    Authentication Required: true

Download / Share

Category Id : pyze_download_share
1.	Title:  Download
    Action Id: download
    Foreground: true
    Authentication Required: true

2.	Title:  Share
    Action Id: share
    Foreground: true
    Authentication Required: true

Remind Me Later / Share

Category Id : pyze_remind_share
1.	Title:  Remind Me Later
    Action Id: remind
    Foreground: false
    Authentication Required: true

2.	Title:  Share
    Action Id: share
    Foreground: true
    Authentication Required: true

Defining a notification category

Ex. Category, Accept or Decline (opens the app) can be defined as below

var acceptAction = Ti.App.iOS.createUserNotificationAction({
    identifier: accept,
    title: Accept,
    destructive: false,
    authenticationRequired: true
var rejectAction = Ti.App.iOS.createUserNotificationAction({
    identifier: decline,
    title: Decline,
    destructive: true,
    authenticationRequired: true
var acceptDeclineCategory = Ti.App.iOS.createUserNotificationCategory({
    identifier: "pyze_accept_action_foreground",
    actionsForDefaultContext: [acceptAction, rejectAction],
    actionsForMinimalContext: [acceptAction, rejectAction]

Like notification types, register defined notification categories by using the Titanium.App.iOS.registerUserNotificationSettings() as below:

    types: [
    categories: [acceptDeclineCategory]

Monitor Interactive Notifications

Let pyze process the notification received and perform selected push action:

Ti.App.iOS.addEventListener('remotenotificationaction', function(e) {'remotenotificationaction `'+JSON.stringify(e)+'`:');
        pyze.handlePushNotificationAction(e.identifier, e);

Rich Notifications

Open the .xcodeproj and follow the instruction in below link in-order to integrate rich push notifications

In-App Notifications

In-app notifications allow app businesses to reach out to app users when they use your app.

In-App notifications are built-in to the pyze sdk and have no additional dependecies.businesses to reach out to users from manually from Dynamic Funnels and Intelligence Explorer, and automatically based on workflows and campaigns from Growth Automation.

In-App notifications can be sent from Campaigns

Call the following method, wherever you want to check for new messages and pop-up a modal with the notification:

void showInAppNotificationUIForDisplayMessagesWithCustomAttributes(messageType, buttonTextcolor, buttonBackgroundColor, backgroundColor, messageCounterTextColor, callback);


var pyze = require('ti.pyze');
    pyze.showInAppNotificationUIForDisplayMessagesWithCustomAttributes(0, "#ffffff", "#ffffff", "#ffffff", "#ffffff", function(params){ 
    var status = params[0]'InAppStatus  `'+params[0]+'`:');

Debugging and Logging

Please refer to the ios documentation for platform-specific information

API Reference

Full API reference available here

Last modified 2020-12-03