Getting Started

Get your AppKey and instrument your Application

Create an Account

Contact your pyze representative to create an account

Get an AppKey

1. Login to

Every app is uniquely assigned a Pyze App Key, a 22 character app specific key, which you obtain from after logging in with your email and password.

Login at

2. Add a new app

  • To add an application to the Pyze platform, begin by selecting Settings from the Navigation Pane.
  • Under the Apps Tab, click the Add App+ button at the top right of the window.
  • Enter the App Name and Appstore URL (if available), Platform (iOS, Android, Web/SaaS, tvOS, watchOS) and select your Timezone.

3. Copy Your Pyze App Key

Once you add your new app, refresh the page. Navigate to your newly added app’s settings by selecting the app from the drop-down list. The Pyze App Key will be displayed below to the right (DmPTFdslRjObk1-ZlXQDVQ in this example). Copy Pyze App Key.

Implement the SDK

Go to the documentation for your platform to learn how to install and initialize the pyze SDK

Best Practices

Follow Application Instrumentation Best Practices

Last modified 2020-11-25