Definition of common Pyze terms
- Active Users - Count users who sent any data
- App Usage Time - Aggregate time spent in the application
- Event Occurrence - Counts of event occurrences
- Screen Visits - Hits to a specific URl
- Session Counts - Count of sessions executed by a user
- Time on Task - Time spent on a task, as calculated by our SDK. For most platforms this is typically the time spent since page load to task completion
- Time to Reach - For a defined process, the time to reach the step from the start of the Journey.
- City - GEOIP based City
- Country - GEOIP based Country
- State - GEOIP based State or Province
- Application Name - Application Name as defined in the Pyze System
- Event - Event name
- New vs Recurring Entities - A user is “New” if the first time an event occurred for that user is within the selected time range.
A user is “Recurring” if an event occurred from that user before the time range, and at least one event occurred for that user within the time range.
- App Version - For mobile SDKS, the application version string reported by the Application.
- Device Manufacturer - For mobile SDKS, the device Manufacturer, e.g., “Xiaomi” or “Samsung”. For Web SDKs “Chrome”, “Apple”, “Firefox”
- Form Factor - Phone vs Tablet
- Language - The two-letter ISO language code, as reported by the Operating System
- Network Reachability - For mobile SDKS, if the device has network connectivity available
- OS Name - Operating system name, such as “Windows” or “Android”
- OS Version - Operating system version number
- PPI - For mobile SDKs, Pixels Per Inch as reported by the Operating System
- Product - For mobile SDKs, the device name “Galaxy S21”, for Web “Windows Edge” or “Linux Firefox”
- Screen Height - For mobile SDKS, the device height as reported by the Operating System
- Screen Width - For mobile SDKS, the device width as reported by the Operating System
- Day
- Day of Week
- Hour of Day
- Month
- Week
Last modified 2021-06-13